Board of Directors
Board Chairman
Waziri Elisha Barnabas
Board Chairman
Mr. Waziri Elisha Barnabas is the Director of Finance of the National Bank of Commerce (NBC) on which Board is also the Executive Director. He is a holder of Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting (Bcom-Accounting) from the University of Dar es Salaam, and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA-T) No. ACPA 3078 from the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA). Mr. Barnabas has deep and long experience in the financial services sector. He holds Certificate in Directorship from the Institute of Directors in Tanzania (IODT). He was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for NMB Bank Plc for over 9 years; Senior Manager Finance & Control of NMB; Chief Financial Officer of Barclays Bank Tanzania Limited; and Head of Business Finance at Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania Limited. Some of the courses and workshops he has attended are: Customer Care; Achieving Market Leadership; Liquidity Management; Annual post-budget speech reviews (KPMG, PwC, Deloitte & Touche); Q12 Surveys by Gallup; Presentation Skills; Personal Finance Management; Strategy & Management in Banking Program (Dublin & London) and Strategic Leadership Course (New York and Mumbai) as coordinated by the World Women Banking (New York). He has also attended other course on Basel II and III in Singapore.
Vice Chairperson
Mrs. Cathy-Elizabeth Simba Long’lway
Board Member
Mrs. Cathy-Elizabeth Simba Long’lway is a medium scale
commercial farmer and a contract seed grower with
the Agricultural Seeds Agency (ASA).
She holds a Bachelor Degree of Science with Education
from the University of Dar es Salaam. She has attended
such training as Tanzania Business Women’s Textile
Project Training of Trainers (T.O.T) program conducted
by UNIDO under Ministry of Women’s Gender Youth/
Children; The United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development under Empretec Tanzania. She
attended capacity-building training for board directors.
She is an entrepreneur trainer and a former teacher at
the ladder of “Principal Education Office”. She taught
advanced levels at Jangwani and Tambaza High Schools.
She has had a lot of success, individually and as a
leader of several groups, including attending Zonal and
International Trade Fair.
She has served as a director for a number of years.
Board Member
Peter Ezra Sirikwa
Board Member
Mr. Peter Ezra Sirikwa holds a Diploma in Animal Health,
and a Certificate in Agriculture and Veterinary Science.
He has attended a number of courses including:
Empowering Training on Good Governance for the
TFA Board and Management; Knowledge, Altitude,
Practices and Behavior (KAPB) Study in Pastoralist
He was Oxfam Ireland Program Officer in Ngorongoro
District. He has served as a director on the Board of
Arusha Regional Agriculture & Commercial Chamber;
and, as a director of the Board of Happy Sausage
Board Member
George B. Lupembe
Board Member Mr. George Benedict Lupembe is the Managing Director of Highland Pride, and the Executive Chairman at the Agro-Pro Limited. He holds a Certificate in Business Administration; a Diploma in Business Administration, and an Advanced Diploma in Marketing Management. He has held a number of positions such: Principal Trade Officer Grade 1 (Regional Secretariat Njombe); Head of Trade Investigation and Inspection Unit (Dar es Salaam City Commission); Acting District Executive Director; Town Executive Officer; Regional Trade and Industrial Officer.
Board Member
Rukia Juma Adam
Board Member
Mrs. Rukia Juma Adam holds the following qualifications: a
Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the
University of Dar es salaam (UDSM); Advanced Diploma in
Certified Accountancy of the IDM Mzumbe; Certified Public
Accountant (CPA-T) No. ACPA 549 from the National
Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA). Mrs Rukia
holds Certificate in Directorship from the Institute of
Directors in Tanzania (IODT).
She has long and rich experience having worked at:
Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) as the Deputy
Director, Accounting Operations; and, Deputy Director,
Management Accounting; Tanzania Breweries (TBL) as
Group Management Accountant; National Credit Manager;
Finance and Administrative Manager; and, Brewery and
Plant Accountant.
She has served, as a director, on such boards as: Tanzania
Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA); Tanzania Civil
Aviation Authority (TCAA). She was the Chairperson of
the Governing Council of the Institute of Accountancy
Arusha (IAA). She currently serves on the board of the
National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA); and
Akiba Commercial Bank.
Board Member
Ramadhani Thabit Saidi
Board Member
Mr. Ramadhani Saidi is currently the General Manager of the EFFCO Group whose three subsidiaries deal with mining contracting services; heavy lifting and abnormal cargo haulage. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA), and a Bachelor of Commerce (BOM) from the University of Dar es salaam (UDSM). He is also a Certified Director by the Institute of Directors of Tanzania (IODT). He has attended such coursers as training in Credit Management; Corporate Governance; Accounting; Equipment Leasing and Financing. He has vast experience in banking and equipment financing; business and management. He served in number of institutions locally and abroad: Regional Manager - Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund (SAEDF) – an Equity Fund Company based in Johannesburg, South Africa for over 8 years; Head of Vehicle & Asset Finance Department at Stanbic Bank Tanzania Limited (Subsidiary of Standard Bank Group of South Africa) Dar es salaam, Tanzania. Mr. Saidi has served in different Boards in the country and overseas. He is also a commercial farmer of both seasonal and cash crops in different regions in Tanzania.