Historical Background

Since it commenced operations in Tanganyika, in 1935

TFA has been one of the major stakeholders and most effective players within the agricultural sector in Tanzania.

TFA has more than 4,800 members representing a cross-section of the Tanzanian farming community. From small landholders to large commercial farmers, from villagers’ to government farms, from family owned farms to co-operative societies, TFA truly represents Tanzania’s farmers and their communities


To provide quality products and excellent service to customers, a fair return to shareholders, be the employer of choice and endeavor to bring prosperity to our suppliers, associates and the community.

Core Values of the Association

In the pursuit of its vision the Board and management will endeavor to lead the organization:

  • With Honesty
  • Transparency
  • Be Accountable for our behavior and results
  • Conscious of our Social Responsibility and
  • Caring for others we affect in our day to day business


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